How to Survive

(and sometimes thrive)

with Chronic Pain

Join me in building a daily, creative practice that quiets your chronic pain.



Consultancy Program

Yep, I’ve been there.

(In that place of daily, chronic pain that feels relentless and all-encompassing.)

Chronic Pain Mentor & Art Educator

I am an artist living with chronic pain, a teacher, and a firm believer in the power of a daily creative practice. I’ve lived with debilitating Chronic Migraine for over 15 years and was recently diagnosed with a second chronic pain condition, Ankylosing Spondylitis, an autoimmune condition of the spine.

As an art teacher, I’ve taught well over 1,500 students about the importance of a creative practice to keep us grounded and mindful.

Through my own chronic pain journey, I have learned that when I am present and doing something creative, my pain is quieter.

No, this will not cure your chronic pain.

If you’ve had chronic pain long enough, you know that there are a million and one promises to “cure” your chronic illness.

This is not that.

Instead, I am offering you new tools for your toolbox. Downloadables, workbooks, and consultancy programming based around utilizing art education techniques to create mindful moments of distraction from chronic pain.

You deserve a break from your chronic pain every day.


Instant Downloads to get started relaxing your overactive pain brain right away. Choose from daily art activities, photography, or mindful drawing techniques.


Utilize Workbooks designed to explore your own journey with chronic pain and share the “ins and outs” of chronic illness with your loved ones.

Consultancy Program

Need an individualized approach? Consultancy Programming will give us one-on-one time to create unique programming for you or your business.

You deserve a break everyday from your pain.

New Tools for your Chronic Pain ToolBox

Listen, medication is very necessary and therapy is wonderful.


Chronic Pain Confidant’s services can add to your Chronic Pain Toolbox. I believe that living with chronic pain takes a tremendous toll on your psyche and often makes finding joy in your everyday life difficult. But, by creating a daily creative practice, I believe it is possible to find some relief.

“But, I’m not very artistic.”

(That’s okay. All levels of creativity are welcome and all levels of artistic ability can be successful.)

Yes, every level of artistic ability can be successful in this practice.

I’ve been an art teacher for over 10 years. If I had $1.00 for every time someone told me, “I can’t draw a stick figure!” then I’d be “owns-my-own-boat” kind of wealthy.

You do not have to be an Artist with a capital “A” to find success in these resources. Instead, you just need to be open to creativity and a new idea for dealing with your chronic pain.

Ask yourself, “Can I be open to something that might, at times, feel a little uncomfortable…but consider trying it anyway?”

If the answer is “yes!” then this is for you.